V Oxy+



  1. Rapid oxygen transfer within 5-7 minutes
  2. Transport oxygen to every cell layer
  3. Generate energy and stamina
  4. Magnifies other nutrient functions
  5. Balance immune system and delay aging
  6. Increase focus and concentration

Usage direction

  1. Normal people – mix with 150ml nornal and shake, drink slowly
  2. Serious stomach issue and have heart disease take 30% of sachet, drink after meal with 100ml normal water
  3. Possuble body mechanism ,experience result after drinking with empty stomach, may feel like after one hour exercise result:
    • Ears turning red
    • Tingling sensation
    • Short stomach pain
    • Certain joint parts turning red
    • Skin turning red and warm
    • Body itchiness
    • Heart beating a little fast
    • Tiredess and sleepiness
    • Body temperature rises slightly
    • Improve Oxygen level in blood

Noted: First time consuming V Oxy+ need to attend PCN Zoom meeting or consult your agents before drink it.